A Beginner’s Guide To Building Generational Wealth

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May 13, 2023
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    A Beginner’s Guide to Building Generational Wealth

    Picture this: you're sitting with your family, and you can see the pride in their eyes as they look at you. You've just told them that you've built a financial legacy for them that will provide financial security for future generations, leave a lasting legacy, and provide for your loved ones. How did you do it? By building generational wealth.

    But what exactly is generational wealth, and how can you build it? Before we dive into the process of building generational wealth, let’s understand some basics.

    The Importance Of Goals

    Goal identification is critical for investing because it helps you define your financial objectives and create a plan to achieve them. Without clear goals, you may invest aimlessly, leading to poor investment decisions and a lack of progress towards your financial aspirations.

    • Create A Roadmap: Personal finance and investing are all about achieving specific objectives. Goal identification helps you define these objectives, create a roadmap, and allocate your resources to maximise your chances of achieving your financial goals.
    • Stay Disciplined: Financial markets can be volatile and unpredictable, making staying focused on your long-term objectives challenging. However, by setting clear financial goals, you can maintain discipline and avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations.
    • Measure Your Progress: One of the biggest benefits of goal identification is that it helps you track your progress and make course corrections along the way. Regularly measuring your progress can help you determine whether you're on track to achieve your financial goals and make any necessary adjustments to your investment strategy. 

    For example, if your goal is to build generational wealth, you may need to take a long-term investment approach and consider investments that appreciate in value over time, such as commercial property, stocks or venture capital. On the other hand, if your goal is to save for a short-term expense, such as a down payment on a home, you may need to focus on low-risk investments with a short-term time horizon. It can include corporate bonds, invoice discounting etc.

    What Is Generational Wealth?

    Generational wealth is a term that's often thrown around in financial circles, but what exactly does it mean? Simply put, "generational wealth" is wealth that's passed down from one generation to the next. This can include assets like property, stocks, other investments, cash, and other forms of wealth.

    One of the key benefits of generational wealth is that it allows families to maintain their financial stability and independence over time. By passing down assets and wealth to future generations, families can ensure that their children and grandchildren have the resources they need to succeed and thrive.

    Generational Wealth And India 

    India is known for its rich history of savings. The idea of generational wealth has been ingrained in our culture for centuries. Families have traditionally passed down their wealth to their children and grandchildren, ensuring that their family's financial legacy lives on for generations. In fact, according to a report by the Reserve Bank of India, Indian households save approximately 30% of their income, which is higher than the global average1.

    Indians mainly focus on two ways of accumulating wealth:

    • Gold: Indians are known for their love of gold. According to the World Gold Council, Indian households may have accumulated up to 25,000 tonnes of gold, making them the world's largest holders of gold, estimated to be worth $1.5 trillion, higher than the GDP of many developed countries2.
    • Real Estate: As the splendid movie of Amitabh Bachchan describes the basic needs of living Roti, Kapda aur Makaan. Indians have an emotional connection with their home or place. 

    In fact, Forbes reports that 66% of Indian household savings are invested in real estate and gold3.

    But with the growing era of financial literacy and awareness of stock markets and alternative investments, Indian investors are also showing an increasing interest in such investments. 

    Why Build Generational Wealth?

    Building generational wealth is a long-term investment that can benefit future generations, making it an essential part of any financial wealth-building strategy. It is important for several reasons, including.

    • Ensuring financial security for future generations: Building generational wealth can provide financial security for future generations. 
    • Leaving a legacy: Building generational wealth allows you to leave a financial legacy for your family. By leaving a financial legacy, you can ensure your family is cared for long after you're gone.
    • Dealing with unexpected expenses: Building generational wealth can also help your family deal with unexpected expenses, such as medical emergencies or job losses.

    How To Build Generational Wealth

    Now that we've established the importance of generational wealth let's dive into how you can build it.

    • Financial Planning

    A comprehensive financial plan is the foundation for building generational wealth. A plan will help you identify your long-term financial goals and create a roadmap to achieve them. It should include a budget, a savings plan, investment strategies, and a plan for managing debt. You should revisit your financial plan periodically to ensure you are on track to meet your goals.

    • Diversify Your Investment Portfolio

    Diversification is key to building generational wealth. By diversifying your portfolio, you spread your investments across different asset classes to reduce risk. Some alternative investments to consider are commercial property, corporate bonds, asset leasing, invoice discounting etc. They can be a great way to diversify your portfolio. 

    • Invest In Life Insurance

    Life insurance can provide a safety net for your family in the event of an untimely death. However, some policies also offer investment options to help you build wealth over the long term. Whole life insurance policies, for example, can accumulate cash value over time and can be used to supplement your retirement income.

    • Create Multiple Income Streams

    Creating multiple income streams can help you build generational wealth. By diversifying your income, you are less reliant on one source of income and can weather economic downturns more effectively. Some ways to create multiple income streams include starting a business, investing in rental properties etc.

    • Investing In Constant Upskilling & Education

    Education is one of the key pillars of creating generational wealth. It provides the foundation for individuals to pursue high-paying careers, build successful businesses, or grow generational wealth. Quality education can open doors to opportunities that may not have been available otherwise, giving individuals a chance to achieve financial stability and create a legacy for their families.

    • Wealth Transfer Planning

    Planning to transfer wealth to future generations is a crucial step in building generational wealth. A well-thought-out estate plan can help ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes.

    Building generational wealth is a long-term goal that requires careful planning and patience. By identifying your goals and investing in the right assets, you can provide financial security for your family and leave a lasting legacy for future generations. It's important to remember that building generational wealth takes time and discipline, but the rewards can be significant.

    So, start your journey towards building generational wealth today by making informed investing decisions. Sign up on Grip today to explore alternative investment options that help you go beyond inflation, low returns & volatility.


    1. Statista <https://www.statista.com/statistics/820115/india-gross-domestic-savings-value-in-valuables-in-household-sector/>
    2. Business Today <https://www.businesstoday.in/latest/economy-politics/story/indian-households-have-stocked-up-to-25000-tonnes-of-gold-world-gold-council-202147-2019-05-21>
    3.  Forbes <https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2016/08/05/so-why-do-indian-households-invest-so-much-in-gold/?sh=3018b2376279> 

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    Happy Investing!

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    Personal Finance
    Grip Invest
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