Top 10 Assets To Invest In For A Balanced Portfolio In India

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May 23, 2023
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    Top 10 Assets Worth Considering For A Diversified Portfolio


    Are you looking to build a balanced and diversified investment portfolio in India? With numerous investment options available, choosing the right mix of assets to achieve your financial goals can be challenging. In this blog post, we'll discuss the top 10 assets you can invest in to create a well-rounded portfolio, including a unique offering from Grip Invest. 

    Grab a cup of coffee, and let's dive into these exciting investment options!

    Asset Leasing (LeaseX by Grip)

    LeaseX is an innovative, rated & listed lease financing investment option that enables you to invest in financing essential equipment for well-established businesses. Investing in LeaseX exposes you to a unique asset class with fixed monthly returns, low risk, and the potential for attractive yields. Want to understand more about LeaseX? Click to read more!


    The stock market is an excellent way to grow your wealth. Invest in companies you believe in and diversify your portfolio to minimise risk and maximise returns.


    Bonds are fixed-income securities that offer lower risk and regular interest payments. They are an ideal choice for conservative investors seeking steady growth in their wealth.

    Mutual Funds

    Mutual funds pool together various investors' capital, allowing professional fund managers to invest in a diversified basket of assets. This offers broad market exposure, reduced risk, and potentially higher returns.

    Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

    ETFs provide diversification, professional management, and trade-like stocks on an exchange. They offer the flexibility of intraday trading and lower expense ratios, making them a cost-effective way to gain exposure to various market segments.

    Gold and Precious Metals 

    Investing in gold and other precious metals like silver and platinum can act as a hedge against inflation and currency fluctuations, providing stability to your investment portfolio.

    Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

    It allows you to invest in a diversified portfolio of income-generating real estate properties. They offer the potential for capital appreciation, passive income through dividends, and liquidity as they are traded on stock exchanges.

    National Pension System (NPS)

    The National Pension System is a government-sponsored pension scheme in India that allows you to save for retirement while enjoying tax benefits. The NPS invests in a mix of equity, corporate bonds, and government securities, providing long-term growth potential.

    Public Provident Fund (PPF)

    The PPF is a popular long-term savings scheme in India, offering tax benefits and a guaranteed return. It is a low-risk investment option suitable for conservative investors looking to save for retirement or other long-term goals.

    Fixed Deposits

    Fixed deposits are low-risk investments offered by banks and financial institutions, providing a fixed interest rate over a specified tenure. They are a safe option for conservative investors seeking capital preservation and regular income.


    These top 10 assets can help you build a balanced and diversified investment portfolio in India. By incorporating various asset classes, including unique offerings like  LeaseX, you'll be well on your way to achieving your financial goals. Remember, it's crucial to research and understands each asset class before investing and considers diversifying your investments to mitigate risk and achieve your financial objectives. 


    1. How can I decide which asset classes suit my investment portfolio? 

    Consider factors such as your investment goals, time horizon, risk tolerance, and current financial situation when determining the appropriate asset classes for your portfolio.
    2. How do I diversify my investment portfolio? 

    Diversification involves investing in various asset classes and securities to spread risk and potentially increase returns. Aim to include a mix of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other assets in your portfolio to achieve optimal diversification.

    3. How often should I review and rebalance my investment portfolio? 

    It's essential to review your investment portfolio at least once a year or whenever you experience significant changes in your financial situation or goals. Rebalancing involves adjusting your portfolio to maintain your desired asset allocation and risk level.
    4. What are the tax implications of investing in these asset classes? 

    Different asset classes have varying tax implications. For instance, long-term capital gains on stocks and equity mutual funds are taxed at 10%, whereas interest income from fixed deposits and bonds are taxed as per your income tax slab rate. Consult a financial advisor or tax professional for guidance on the tax implications of your investments.
    5. How do I start investing in LeaseX by Grip? 

    Sign up on Grip. You can browse available investment opportunities, review the terms, and start investing in lease financing for well-established businesses and earn fixed returns. 

    6. Can I invest in these asset classes through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)? 

    SIPs are available for certain asset classes, such as mutual funds and ETFs. SIPs allow you to invest a fixed amount regularly, providing the benefit of rupee-cost averaging and making investing more affordable and disciplined.

    7. Are there any minimum investment requirements for these asset classes? 

    The minimum investment amounts vary for each asset class. For instance, you can start investing in mutual funds with as little as INR 500, while some fixed deposits require a minimum investment of INR 10,000. Research the minimum investment requirements for each asset class before investing.

    Want to stay at the top of your finances? Don’t forget to sign up!

    Join the community of 2.5 lakh + investors and learn more about Grip, the latest financial knick-knacks and shenanigans that take place in the world of investing.

    Happy Investing!

    Disclaimer: This communication does not constitute advice relating to investing or otherwise dealing in securities and is not an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any securities. Grip Invest Technologies Private Limited ("Grip", formerly known as Grip Invest Advisors Private Limited) is not registered with SEBI in any capacity and does not advise, encourage, or discourage its users to invest or not invest in any securities. Grip is solely an execution-only platform and does not guarantee or assure any return on investments made by you in any opportunities sourced by Grip and accepts no liability for consequences of any actions taken based on the information provided. Your investment is solely based on your judgement. Investments in debt securities are subject to risks. Read all the offer related documents carefully.


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